Feature suggestions - Armor, trading/selling
1) It would be really nice, when purchasing armor, you could see what it would look like on your character. It's very difficult to see what a piece of armor would look like just from the little tiny icon in the merchants list. Alternatively, it would be nice if you could get a 3d enlargement of the armor when double clicking on it.
2) Perhaps something like a mix between the storage agent and a merchant could be implemented. Another tab can be added to the storage agent to allow a player to store an item and specify an asking price. In browsing for items to purchase, a buyer could visit a new merchant type (Bazaar) to see items for sale offered by other players. These items can be sorted by profession type, by attribute or by rarity. Once the item is paid for, the money can go directly into the sellers storage account. Another possible feature would be to allow the buyer to submit an offer to negotiate the price.
By implementing a feature like this, I think it will go even further to eliminating the WTS spam (which people can get around simply by typing "W.T.S.") and make it much easier for buyers to find the item/weapon they want and for sellers to find interested parties w/o resorting to spam.